Walnut Meringues
A lighter take on the classic french desserts that could be used for decoration, as a base layer for several desserts or as a gourmet snack that goes well with coffee and tea.
It is made up of the classic french meringue recipe which is very easy to make, yet very delicate. If you maintain a steady low temperature of 80-90°C then you will have a successful meringue in shape, color and texture. The oven plays an important role in this kind of desserts, for that I had to buy a professional/industrial electrical oven. The first thing crossed my mind when I first got the oven was to bake meringues. so I looked up several recipes and decided to try on something new, which is Walnut Meringues “Meringues Aux Noix” which uses the same basic recipe or the french meringue except adding roasted/chopped walnuts to the final mixture.
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